Legal Information

Provider identification and disclaimer

BIESS Textil-Applikationen GmbH
Grünwalder Weg 28F
82041 Oberhaching
Phone: +49 (0) 89 66 10 40
Fax: +49 (0) 89 66 10 14

Managing Director: Ingo Biess, Phillip Biess
Registry Court: Amtsgericht München
Company Registry Number: HRB 92 353
VAT Identification Number, in accordance with § 27 a UStG (VAT law): DE 129302680

Products Displayed and Registered Brands, Names and Samples:
Illustrations of exclusively manufactured products and registered brands, trademarks, samples and logos are used for the purpose of presenting our services on this website. They are subject to copyright and are legally protected. Even if they are not accordingly labelled on the respective pages, the appropriate legal regulations apply. In addition, the products, brands and logos shown on this website are not available for purchase without permission of the respective owner.

Responsibility for Content:
In accordance with § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (Interstate Broadcasting Agreement), Ingo Biess (address above) holds responsibility for the content of this website.

Legal Disclaimer:
Despite careful review of the displayed content, the person responsible for this website cannot be held liable for the contents of external links. The responsibility for the content on linked pages lies exclusively with their operators.

The contents displayed here are subject to copyright and are thus legally protected. All rights are reserved. The use, reproduction or duplication of texts and illustrations, in full or in part, without the previous written consent of the owner violates copyright law and is thus deemed illegal.


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©  BIESS Textil-Applikationen GmbH